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Quantitative Drama Analytics

Benjamin Krautter, Janis Pagel, Nils Reiter, Marcus Willand

In the tutorial, we will investigate dramatic texts using tools developed within the QuaDramA project. One of the core properties of dramatic texts is their structured nature which allows for straightforward structural analysis (if TEI-encoded corpora, such as theatre classique or GerDraCor are available). In addition to structural analysis (for instance, in the form of character networks), we will cover NLP-based text analysis for the character speech, and combine both types to enrich each other.

Practically, the tutorial covers three aspects: a) a basic introduction into the programming language R and the development environment RStudio, b) a hands-on introduction into the R package DramaAnalysis, used for testing hypotheses derived from drama history, and c) a guide for the operationalization of drama-related research questions, and the subsequent interpretation of quantitative results.

Workshop resources will be linked here in the future.